Plot Subscriptions

This is a subscription, billed monthly, for one plot style of your choice each month. Each may be redeemed at one per month. Subscribing ensures you have a guaranteed spot on the calendar for one plot each month per subscription.

A narrative summary plot breaks down the events in each chapter (typically 2-3 events) in paragraph style, written in third-person present. Alternating POVs may be included at the buyer’s request. The author can easily adapt the events to their preferred style (first/past, etc.) since it’s just detailing what happens and explains anything requiring clarification for the author to understand why/what they’re writing. Narrative summary plots also include a list of characters, their traits, any backstory that’s relevant, and their connections. They flesh out the character, but we aim to leave plenty of room for you to customize the plots however you’d like.

Quick plots contain bulleted plot points and aren’t as detailed as the classic narrative summary plots we also offer. A 40,000 word novel would likely have 35-45 bullet points, for example.

You will be billed for the first month’s subscription price at signing up, and the plots will be redeemable starting in Jan. 2023. The subscription term runs until you or TnT cancels it, and your monthly subscription fee will recur on the same date as you signed up for the subscription. You may cancel at any time.

Any plots not used for the month may carry over for up to three months, but please redeem them on a timely basis. It’s impossible for TnT to try to schedule properly if someone accrues multiple plots and then wants them all at once. We understand situations arise and are more than happy to work with you to ensure you get the products for which you’ve subscribed, but please contact us if you need any changes to the subscription schedule.

We apologize, but PayPal is currently the only option to pay for subscriptions.

Kit’s Narrative Summary Plot Subscription (for up to 60,000-word books)


John’s Narrative Summary Plot Subscription (for up to 60,000-word books)


Quick Plot Subscription (for up to 60,000-word books)


Short Quick Plot Subscription (for up to 25,000-word books)
